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Coaching for Success

A powerful method of professional development

Coaching, whether for individuals or teams is a dynamic form of professional development to maximise leadership talent. Coaching is a pro-active, future driven approach, laser focused on helping people who are already functioning at a high level.

It will help you to achieve your goals, build on your strengths and manage your development areas. At an organisational level it will support the drive to achieve strategic goals and build high performance teams.

Executive / Leadership Coaching

Any leadership role can be isolating and lonely, you can feel that you are expected to have all the answers or solutions, have a fear of failure or may be concerned that your team are struggling. You may need to explore your options in a non-judgmental and safe environment.

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Group / Team Coaching

Without effective teamwork, leaders may operate in silos and communication will suffers. This will potentially result in a poor environment and culture. Ultimately this will negatively impact stakeholder value, customer experience and employee engagement

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A  powerful method of professional development

Executive / Leadership Coaching

The cornerstone of the coaching relationship is confidentiality and trust, it can lonely place to be at the top of an organisation. 

One to one coaching sessions with deliver positive outcomes and a return on investment for the leader and the organisation

Benefits and Outcomes

The measurable impact of coaching can include:

✔︎ Increased profitability and growth.

✔︎ More effective leadership and confidence

✔︎ Greater ownership and accountability

✔︎ Improved stakeholder engagement

✔︎ Career enhancement and succession planning

✔︎ Enhanced leadership impact and influence

Creating a high-performance, transformational team

Team / Group Coaching

For a leadership team to effectively deliver stakeholder expectations it needs to have a clear vison, collective purpose and shared values.

It no longer effective to rely on a heroic leader. Team coaching creates a collaborative leadership team who will have the capacity to effectively lead through uncertainty and growth. It works on 3 horizons: business as usual, innovating for tomorrow and future focus.

Benefits and Outcomes

The measurable impact of coaching can include:

✔︎ Creating a mindset of accountability and growth

✔︎ Establish a clear vision and common purpose to achieve goals

✔︎ Leadership in action through challenge resolution

✔︎ Develop team values and commitments

✔︎ Delivering expected results to stakeholders / owners

✔︎ Team building. Creating a 'one-team' approach

How we work with you

The coaching process is tailored to your individual requirements and timescale

  • 1. Introductory meeting

    An Introductory meeting to build trust and rapport, agree goals and desired outcomes. This is usually face-to-face, but may also be using Zoom or Teams.

  • 2. Coaching sessions

    Face-to-face or or virtual coaching sessions, each one to two hours in duration. 

  • 3. Ongoing support

    Optional support between sessions via telephone or Zoom / Teams as required.

  • 4. Progress reviews

    Regular progress reviews at agreed milestones.

  • 5. Final review

    Final review and further development plan.

Our Coaches

Support, advice and an experienced sounding board to help you on your growth journey

We are highly experienced executive business coaches who offer laser focused coaching to help individuals and teams  who already functioning at a high level but who want to become even more successful and effective in their job.

We work with you in a way that is designed to help drive results for your specific goals, completely focused on what you want to accomplish and how you want to feel when the coaching program is done.

We will agree with you your coaching goals from the offset and create a specific timeline for your goals and regularly review the progress made.

We work with you as your support scaffolding and stay with you until you are ready to take down the scaffolding and benefit from the results. Our time with you can be short and sweet, or we can be your long-term partner and coach.

Your coaching pathway

At the heart of any coaching relationship is confidentiality and trust. We work together with the coachee, with input from the stakeholder to establish…

✔︎ The business objectives

✔︎ Areas for development and desired outcomes

✔︎ Establish trust and rapport

✔︎ Agree how we will work together

✔︎ Ongoing review and reflection

Frequently Asked Questions

Hi there! Have some questions about our coaching services? Find the answers below. 

  • Who is executive coaching appropriate for?

    Executive Coaching is a laser focused approach to helping leaders who are already functioning a high level but who would like to be even more successful and effective. Extremely valuable if you would benefit from a trusted sounding board, are embarking on a new strategy or role or want to strengthen your leadership, or of that of your team.

  • What will I work on with my coach?

    At the start of your coaching assignment you will map out with your coach what you want to accomplish, your personal and professional goals and desired outcomes. You will identify the areas of your leadership do you want to work on, what are your strengths that you want to play to and what do you want to achieve by the end of your coaching sessions.

  • How are the results and return on investment of the executive coaching measured?

     We agree with you a specific timeline, with coaching goals and discuss how success will be measured – these may be business targets and goals, delivery of specific projects or career growth aims. Your coaching assignment may be focused on strengthening your leadership effectiveness in a key area i.e. building resillience or increasing team ownership and accountability.


  • How much does executive coaching cost?

    Executive coaching is a highly cost effective form of leadership development as it is specially targeted on your needs and desired outcomes. Coaching is charged per session and usually booked in a series of 90-120 minute sessions over an agreed period, usually a minimum of 6 sessions.


  • What is team coaching and how does it work ?

    Team coaching works with the whole team to harnesses the strengths, skills and experience of all of the team, enabling them to work together effectively and collectively to improve performance and results of the company.

  • What are the benefits of team coaching ?

    Team coaching increases leadership engagement, performance and subsequently results. It creates capacity to effectively deal with uncertainty and growth i.e. corona virus and recovery, acquisition and diversification

  • How does Team Coaching work?

    Describe the item or answer the question so that site visitors who are interested get more information. You can emphasize this text with bullets, italics or bold, and add links.

Other ways we can support you and your business


Business & Strategy 

A mentor can support the creation of a clear vision, common purpose and engaging objectives, with a laser-focussed approach to increasing performance.

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Leadership & Management

Maximise your potential and that of your leadership talent. Now, as much as ever, leadership skills are needed to guide businesses through a challenging period

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