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Welcome to the Technology Leaders Development Programme 

We are pleased to welcome you on to the Technology Business Leaders Development Programme 

You are a member of Cohort 1.

We will use this site as the main communication platform within our Cohort and will provide regular updates and share information here.

Dates for all Group Sessions

Our Participant Charter

Key Contacts

Important Information

Key important information will be updated here as we progress through the programme.  Please make a note of all the dates for our group sessions and block the time in your calendars.  You will also receive a ZOOM invite for each session, with an additional link provided in the dates section.

Please note our participant charter which is a requirement for all cohort members.

Finally, key contacts for the facilitation team are included for your information.

NEWS and Updates

Session Survey

Please complete your online session satisfaction survey HERE as soon as you can after the session.

Programme Dates - Tech Leaders - Cohort 1

Group Session 1 The role of the disruptive Leader Thursday 3rd February 10:00 - 13:00
Group Session 2 Customer discovery and validation Thursday 10th February 10:00 - 13:00
Group Session 3 Business model innovation Thursday 17th February 10:00 - 13:00
Group Session 4 Building an engaged, high-performing team Thursday 24th February 10:00 - 13:00
Group Session 5 Accountability and goal setting Thursday 3rd March 10:00 - 13:00
Group Session 6 Vision, values and focus Thursday 17th March 10:00 - 13:00

Shared Resources from Cohort Participants / Useful Links

Help to Grow: Digital

What is it?

Free impartial advice on how technology can boost your business, delivered through a new online platform launching this Autumn.

You can also claim a discount of up to 50% on the costs of approved software, worth up to £5,000. Vouchers are initially expected to be available for software that helps businesses:

build customer relationships and increase sales

make the most of selling online

manage accounts and finances digitally

Who is it for?

All businesses will be able to benefit from free online advice on the platform.

The voucher is expected to be available to UK business that:

employ between 5 and 249 employees and are registered at Companies House

have been trading for more than 12 months

are purchasing the discounted software for the first time

Full details on the businesses that will be eligible and software that will be available for the voucher will be published this autumn.

Meet Your Fellow Cohort Participants

Susan Walsh

The Classification Guru

Jamie Meighan


Liana Fricker

The Inspiration Space

Jack Cezair

Ignite Property Group

Johan Fouche

FS Consulting

Michael Pearcey


Mei Tuson

Elueco Education

The Programme Management and Facilitation Team

Mark Bayley-Smyth

Facilitator / 1:1 Support

Our Cohort Participant Charter

Peer Networks brings together diverse cohorts of business leaders so you can discuss your business challenges with your peers. 

The strength of Peer Networks derives from the breadth and depth of experience of its participants and their collective commitment to support each other. 

To maximise the value of the experience for yourself and others the
Peer Networks programme requires that each participant commit to:

  1. Attend every session, completing the full 18 hours of action learning 
  2. Respect the ground rules adopted by the group, and take note of the requirement for confidentiality
  3. Be respectful to the facilitator and other participants 
  4. Focus exclusively on the sessions whilst they are in progress and refrain from undertaking work or checking emails in the background
  5. Speak openly, honestly and be prepared to be challenged 
  6. Contribute within the action learning framework outlined by the facilitator
  7. Engage with the reflective nature of the action learning methodology completing the review notes after each session
  8. Take the action agreed during the session and share the learning with the group at the following session
  9. Complete all participant surveys as directed by your group facilitator or other programme representative
  10. Commit to receive a minimum of 3.5 hours of additional one-to-one support focused on your problem or actions arising from your group discussions
  11. Should they arise, flag conflicts of interest to the facilitator

Stay Connected with your Peers

Join our private
 LinkedIn Group

Share ideas using our 
WhatsApp group chat

Share your successes!
Post on social media

Contact Details:

0800 368 8900

Fully-funded by and delivered on behalf of:

About us

We are highly experienced industry leaders with a proven track record of scale up, business turnaround and the development of high-performance cultures & teams.

Contact Info

t: 0800 368 9238



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